Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

AMBER Alert Fact Sheets


AMBER Alert Fact Sheets

AMBER Alert Chronology/Timeline
Includes a timeline of AMBER Alert milestones since its inception in 1996.

AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program Fact Sheet
Describes the mission of the training and technical assistance program, the National AMBER Alert Network, the Child Abduction Response Team Network, and other initiatives. This fact sheet also shares program evaluation results. A listing of available training and technical assistance courses is included.

AMBER Alert in Tribal Communities

AMBER Alert in Indian Country: Protecting Children in Tribal Communities
Provides information on history, outcomes, available training and technical assistance, and resources through the AMBER Alert in Indian Country initiative.

Breaking the Ice: Creating a Dialogue With Youth
This sheet provides tribal communities with ideas on how to educate youth about tough situations.

Child Protection FAQ and Guide for Tribal Communities
This guide provides tribal communities with an understanding of expectations, steps for an initial response, and frequently asked questions for when a child goes missing.

The First 3 Hours
This information sheet provides tribal communities tips on how to be prepared as a parent or guardian when a child goes missing. The first three hours are the most crucial window of time for an initial response as well as to gather available resources about a child. 

AMBER Alert in Indian Country Website
This website from the AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program, AMBER Alert in Indian Country (AIIC) Initiative offers access to publications and resources for Tribal communities and public safety officials. 

Additional resources regarding child protection and community safety in Indian Country can be found on the AMBER Alert in Indian Country Website resources web page

Secondary Distributors

AMBER Alert Secondary Distribution Program Summary
Provides a summary of other agencies, organizations, and companies that help extend the reach of urgent AMBER Alert bulletins

Fecha de Creación: 20 de Octubre de 2019